Monday, October 11, 2010

Not a holiday in BKK

I know most of you are sitting around enjoying turkery sandwiches. Sweet.
Deeds and I like ours with butter on the bread, me a little mustard on one side and don't forget to put some dressing in with that turkey breast meat. Yes that's right, ya gotta have some dressin in their too. Was the Brooks clan that taught me this one, tastes great!! No I do not put ketchup on my turkey, that distinction belongs to Beaver. He's also the one who is king at brooksin-up the ketchup bottle as well. Aahhhh, but ya gotta love em though!

So Deeds is at work today I have been tryin to get my phone unlocked so I can get a local number. Just too cheap to buy a new one. Might have to though. Tried some internet service to unlock the hold Rogers has on it and may have turned it into a brick! Will let some Thai phone wizard at it tomorrow. Here's hopein.

One development that I haven't told you about is taxi scooters. These enterd our lives as must haves this weekend. At one point you just get fed up with walkin everywhere. And as a pedestrian here you fall into the same category as squirels or racoons back home. The drivers swerve to try and miss but if not, oh well!

If you are walkin you are waitin. And sweating, did I mention it was hot here! One change of clothes to do one thing. Go shopping, come home, shower, change your clothes. Now if you take the scooter taxi, you are there in two minutes. They go fast enough that you don't break into a sweat, in fact it kinda cools you off. Like a fan, only a lot more scary. So I am now ridin the scooters. The furthest supermarket costs 30 baht to get home. Is one dollar. I'm in. Deeds even had a ride on one on Sunday from the top of our street. Two guys were kinda racing down the road. Was fun, breezy and not at all like walking and sweating. And you will notice that alot of the women here actually ride them side saddle. So they are alot safer than you think.

We do have a long weekend coming up. October 23 is actually a dual holiday. Firstly it is Wan Ok Pansa which is the celebration of the end of the rains retreat. It is held on the first day of the waning moon of the eleventh lunar month. October 23 also happens to be Chulalongkorn Day. Because these two days coincide this year Chulalongkorn Day will be celebrated with a holiday on Monday, October 25.
King Chulalongkorn the Great or Rama V, passed away on October 23rd 1910 at the age of 57. He had ruled what was then Siam, for 42 years. Chulalongkorn was educated by Thai and European tutors including Anna Leonowens who later became famous after she was portrayed in the movie ‘The King and I’. The boy prince in the story was a portrayal of Chulalongkorn. That is his picture on the back of Thailand’s 100 Baht note.

Sawadee Krup

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