Saturday, October 16, 2010


Want to say hi to all and thank you to those faithful followers that have the cojones to advertise that they are actually following this blog. I am humbled. I also want to call out to some who talked about how cool it would be if I did blog. You know of these people or persons yet unnamed and that they have not visited as yet.         Please encourage them to follow along and let them know that there is fun to be had by all here at "In Asia".

And finally I would like to give a shout out to that one special individual who must take a major responsibility for the creation and the inspiration to do this blog. She seems to be anonymous since the inception of In Asia. Kinda missing in action our dear little red haired friend is.

Ohh don't be thinkin you know who it is or isn't just because Jer has mentioned the infamous red haired girl.
I tread very softly on that ground (having been a Charlie Brown when it comes to red haired girls for way too long, gosh there's one story from Grade 2, ask me one day). No this is someone who urged on the writer over a few glasses of Liberty red wine up north in the Muskokas and again most every chance that was available. She was right by the way this blog is a gas, but I wonder why she has not made herself public herein and cast her vote. Me thinks that her silence is disapproval and it saddens me!!

Enough about that folly and on to what is happening hereabouts in BKK.

Well it can be summed up recently in a word. RAIN. It is the rainy season afterall. And folks it is raining. Every bloody day this week. Some days more and longer than others. I haven't had any pool time. Tan is fading fast. No not like those back in Canada, poor fools. I still have a tan, so does Deeds. That's how much tan you get here. But we do need to recharge and soon, the rain is getting just a bit boring.
Otherwise our lives are starting to fall into a bit of normal. Meaning we have some routines down pretty good. Have nailed a few necessities like, girl to do the waxing, hairdressing, threading, dry cleaning and of course you know that I found a tailor!
We are keeping our fingers crossed about our apartment. Plan was to move in round about the 15th. Hehehe, today is the 16th soooo we are waiting. Hoping next weekend cause I am really starting to get the urge to play some golf. It is actually more like the shakes!
I have not played a round of golf since mid Septmber back in TO. A month it has been and usually in October back home I would play 20 games. It's usually perfect weather, all the part timers and hackers have packed it in and it would be just the serious hackers like me still out there.
Heres hopin
Sawadee Krup


  1. Hello Jerry and Diane...I too am grateful that you are great insight to the life in Bangkok...your home looks beautiful with all of our brilliant Canadian colors...we have had sunshine to your rain...and Halloween they have that custom in Thailand? I'll put out a bowl of candy on your front step!! Off to rake some leaves...Love Barb

  2. Larry had a milestone birthday so we went to Florida and missed Thanksgiving also - I forgot how much I enjoyed that weekend until we didn't have it this year. It truly is beautiful at this time of year although the colour of the trees is not stellar this year (too little rain this summer apparently - not that you will want to hear that right now.....) The weather was fantastic though and all Larry wanted to do was spend the day at the beach so it all worked out well and it was a nice family weekend which now become few and far between. Loved the pictures of the scooter taxis and the every day traffic - wow, I won't complain about the Gardiner (at least this week!) Can't wait to see the pictures of your house. Diane, the Snow Chicks are planning a hike and I'm getting used to your Bruce Trail book so we stick to the plan - we'll miss you but will think about you while we trudge......keep up the interesting blogs - really enjoy them although I sometimes can't get to them more than once a week but I really enjoy hearing your daily exploits Jerry. Geri
