Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Well we are back from the condo in Pattaya, Deeds and I spent a fantastic three plus days at the beach.
Lena went to Koh Semat with some friends on Friday afternoon and also had a fantastic time.

We had brought plenty of food and drink with us to last us the whole time. We ventured out to go for dinner two of the nights. First night we went out was to go to a local place that we thought was going to be a Thai food treat. The first couple of times I had strolled past the restaurant it was packed, with local Thai people. Always a good sign for good Thai food right? Well it turns out that this place only had five Thai dishes on the menu!! What a surprise that was to us. We were all set for the big Thai feast and now we are looking for an alternative.
So we headed back up the street to an outdoor Thai kitchen that we have visited before. Very basic, good price, good Thai food. On the way there however we had to pass a little food cart that serves up chicken shawarmas, they call them kebabs, but wrapped in a pita, with lettuce, tomatoe, cucumber and topped with three different sauces clearly says shawarma not kebab.
Well Deeds dares me, "Would you rather have one of these than walk all the way to the kitchen?"
"I'm in"
There were two kids in front of us, they had ordered four between them, we wanted the same.
Gonna take a while say Kuhn Dic the cook of the chicken stacked on the rotisserie. There is a Russian guy behind us who laughs at his simple order for one shawarma!
So to kill the time we decide to get a large bottle of San Miguel and settle in, so does the Russian customer. Turns out he speaks a little english and we strike up a conversation. Nice young fella, from Siberia. Really, we say. Siberia, how did you get out, hahahaha. Well it is only a six hour train ride from my town to the city with the airport. And then only 7 hour flight to Thailand.
So to those who have been here and seen way too many Ruuskies in Pattaya, well there is a little explanation. Only a 7 hour flight. And it seems most of them are from Siberia.
Oh and the shawarma with a movie was a terrific replacement for the thai feast we went out looking for.

So we are back now and going back to normal. Deeds is at work, so is Lena and I am sitting here watching the boys get there butts kicked in the WJHC by Russia. Glad I could get the feed but not real happy with the outcome. 5 - 1 after two periods. Lets see if they can make a game of it in the third.

Enjoy folks and a Happy New Years

We have a few more visitors coming. Our friends Sheila and Andy are next, arriving in the middle of the month. We may get a few friends kids who are traveling through Thailand as well, I will update the body count next time around, but it is getting really close to 30.
Oh and one other count that you will see as well.
Yeah 19 weeks before we are back in Canada. Still too many sleeps to mention but that is less than 5 months.
Sawasdee Krup

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