Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not a rant, it's a reiteration

The dweebs at LA Music. I told you all about these people earlier.
I cancelled that order, should have been no surprise to them, and of course gave them very explicit instructions as follows..............
Order # 4579. Please cancel this order immediatlely. Refund the payment to the credit card on file. Thank you. YT Js.
Well I have been back to the website and the order is no longer on file. Not pending as it was for some 9 weeks. So they actuallly got that part right. Well.............. you do remember that they had ordered a product that was no longer manufactured so in fact the order was cancelled when it was made if you follow the logic! So maybe they still haven't actually done anything correctly.

I have been back to my charge card on a near daily basis to see if they have credited my account. Of course not. I have to chase after the dweebs from 25,000 miles away. Of course dweebs don't open for business at normal hours, theirs is 10:30 am, which for me is pm. I have tried to get through their phone system and talk with someone who has a clue, nope that ain't happening that early in the morning. And I have tried to get it done first thing in the morning for me, but it seems that anyone who has a brain, if they have anyone like that, has already left for the day. DUHH!!! This is going to have to wait until Jer gets home and goes and pays a personal visit.

Now since I am out of pocket the interest on $500 I have a little proposition for you. In order to make this money back I am going to sell tickets to my appearance at LA Music. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS FOLKS. IT IS GOING TO BE A ROCKIN GOOD TIME! If you know what I mean. Anyone interested can contact the writer at this blog and I will send you a personal invitation to be onsite the day I show up there to get my money back.
Bunch of dweebs, holy mother of pearl.

Swadee Krup


  1. Is it wrong of me to be getting such humor from you jer on this!!!! LOL!!! I feel really badly for you that you have to be going through this but the way you tell the story is really funny!! I wouldn't want to be those "Dweebs" when you do finally get to them. I hope you do find a case for Lena.

  2. Thanks Barb, will have to start callin you guys Ol Faithful. Appreciate your comments, I am all in fun as well so plese laugh out loud or lyao. Whatever works. Talk soon.
    A case for Lena could've been had at Long and McQuade. Reputable retailer and they have an outlet in Halifax, no shipping to worry about!

  3. can't wait for the show.
    most of maf will likely want to be in attendance.
