Sunday, September 19, 2010


Early morning of the 19th. Last post until later on Monday cause it takes us 22 hours to get there. What a fantastic weekend we have had. From Barb and Al to Snowman, it was great to hear from you all and receive your well wishes. Thank you.
The personal packing is all complete.
We haven't heard the latest report from Lena about the wedding but preliminary info was it was a fantastic affair. They are headed back to Halifax today as we get on our plane.

Now just a few notes to let you all do some posting here. All you need to do is click on the "Comments" word from now on and you will be able to make a comment. I of course will be able to edit your comments...... but won't. So come along with us and do add your take. It is a nice way to stay in touch, and don't forget we also have email addresses and would love to hear more. That's because this blog is about what we are doing now but we still want to know what you are doing too.


  1. So there is the new post and here is the first comment!! Fire away people

  2. Hi Di and Jerry,
    Wishing you a good flight and a soft landing in beautiful Thailand.
    Let the adventure begin......enjoy every moment in it's presence.

    Sylvia เพื่อนของคุณ
